Galleria VSB

MD Foundation

Empowering young girls today for a better future tomorrow.

At Galleria VSB, we are dedicated to highlighting initiatives that foster community growth and development, reflecting the broader mission of the House of VSB. One such notable partnership is with the MD Foundation, which is deeply committed to empowering young girls and advancing their education.

We are proud to share that our Founder and Chairperson, Ms. Vandana Bhargava, was invited as the Guest of Honour at the MD Foundation’s ’24 calendar launch. Her steadfast commitment to girl child education was evident as she pledged continued support to empower young girls and needy children, working towards creating a brighter and more equitable future.

This event was a significant moment for the House of VSB, marked by Ms. Bhargava’s esteemed presence and heartfelt actions. In a moving demonstration of solidarity and support, Ms. Bhargava committed to sponsoring the education of ten deserving young girls, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities needed to succeed.

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Viral Khabar

India Time 24

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