Galleria VSB

S.H. Raza

12 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Signature- Center below

“The painting Tanav uses geometric shapes, bold colors, and spiritual symbols to express the idea of tension. The word “”Tanav”” means “”tension”” in Hindi, and the painting shows the conflict between opposing forces in nature, like creation and destruction. At the center is a black bindu (dot), symbolizing the source of all creation and infinite possibilities. The symmetrical design, made with triangles and lines, represents both outward growth and inward focus. The bright colors, especially reds and oranges, highlight the energy and power of these forces. Overall, the painting reflects on the balance of opposing forces in the universe and life.”

All Rights Reserved. This artwork, titled “Tanav,” is an original piece created by S.H. Raza. All rights to the artwork are owned by the GalleriaVSB. Distribution, display, or any other form of unauthorized use of this artwork is prohibited.

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