Galleria VSB


48 X 48 Inches
Acrylic on canvas
Signature- Upper left side

Devi Kattayani is one of the powerful forms of Goddess Durga, worshipped primarily during the Navaratri festival, particularly on the sixth day (Shashti). She is depicted riding a lion or tiger, with multiple arms holding weapons such as a sword, bow, and trident. The name “Kattayani” is derived from her being the daughter of the sage Kattayana. Manash Ranjan Jena brings a unique and innovative approach to his artwork, especially when he “breaks all the forms.” His ability to deconstruct traditional forms and reassemble them in new, creative ways is a distinctive feature of his style.

All Rights Reserved. This artwork, titled “KATTYAYANI,” is an original piece created by Manash Ranjan Jena. All rights to the artwork are owned by the GalleriaVSB. Distribution, display, or any other form of unauthorized use of this artwork is prohibited.

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