Galleria VSB

Pradosh Swain

Pradosh Swain, born in 1972 in Odisha, has developed a distinctive artistic style that reflects his deep concern for the world around him. He completed his Bachelor in Fine Arts from Utkal University in 1994, a Diploma in Photography from the College of Education and Technology, Bhubaneswar in 1989, a Certificate Course in Reprography from the National Archives of India, New Delhi in 2005, and studied Conservation of Art Objects at the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, Lucknow in 2007.

Pradosh’s art often addresses significant issues affecting contemporary life. His spontaneous and unplanned approach to painting results in highly expressive and colourful works that captivate viewers. Nature frequently features in his paintings, where he blends imagination and reality to create strange and surprising images that challenge conventional perceptions.

Pradosh’s childhood in Odisha has had a profound influence on his work. Elements such as cocks, kites, and old-fashioned movie viewers often appear in his paintings, inspired by his early fascination with nature. As a child, he spent hours observing the natural world, which helped him develop exceptional skills with watercolours. His paintings possess a dreamy, magical quality, blending his deep feelings and thoughts with his observations of reality.

Pradosh believes in the power of imagination and finds significant insights in everyday life. Through his art, he communicates a message about the disconnection from nature and ourselves caused by our fast-paced lives. His work invites viewers to reconnect with the natural world and their inner selves, emphasising the importance of imagination and reflection in our daily lives.

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